Please note that all library programs and events have been cancelled until further notice, in line with social distancing requirements
Kid's Programs and Events
Baby Bounce (0 - 18 months):
Baby Bounce is songs and rhymes, lots of smiles and special times!
To keep our 30 minute sessions interactive and focused on first year development we have capped participation from birth to 18 months. Baby Bouncers* can then graduate to our new Toddler Time.
Every Monday at 10:00am
Free pram parking in foyer
Walkerville Town Hall
Excludes public and school holidays
*Max 20 babies per session.
One Ticket per baby.
Tickets can be collected from concierge 30 minutes before session.
Toddler Time (18 months - 3 years):
Toddler time is learning and fun, lots of giggles for toddlers on the run!
Toddler Time* is 30 minutes of stories, songs and rhymes for little ones aged 18 months to 3 years. The focus is on language development and social interaction.
Every Wednesday at 10:30am
Free Pram parking in foyer
Walkerville Library
Excludes public and school holidays
*Max 20 toddlers per session.
One session per toddler.
Tickets can be collected from concierge 30 mins before session.
Story Time (3 - 5 years):
Sharing stories old and new, a story for me and a story for you!
Share the gift of reading and stories, includes a craft activity. Storytime is for 3 to 5 year olds and runs for 30 minutes.
Every Friday at 10:30am
Walkerville Library
Excludes public and school holidays
*Max 15 children per session.
One ticket per child.
Tickets can be collected from concierge 30 mins before session.
Lego Club (ages 4-12): the last Monday of every month 4.00pm to 5.00pm
We will provide the Lego - YOU provide the imagination!
Bookings are required -
All sessions are provided FREE of charge.
School Holiday Activities
The range of school holiday events at Walkerville Library are proving more & more popular with our community. We offer a diverse range of activities that aim to provide fun for children including craft activities, workshops and physical activities. See the latest program for more information.
Keep an eye out for upcoming events through our Events Calendar -
Bookings are essential on
8342 7150 or email unless specified otherwise